Thursday 30 April 2020

Because 'Angels' sounds better?

Last year I made my 'Charlie's Angels' (2000 & 2003) fan zine and wrote a post (which can be read HERE) before the lastest in the franchise, rather than a reboot, was in cinemas. It took me a while but I finally got to see what all the fuss was about (the cast) and why critics and audiences weren't so keen on the film.

The fact that Elizabeth Banks directed made a huge (and better) difference and change from the tone of the previous male gaze galore films which I both love and hate. But that didn't mean that the latest escaped the 'costume' moment and the utterly pointless dance routine sequence AND weird creepy hitman. At least the latter for something to look at.

My full review is over at Vulturehound and can be read here

Later, angels.