Sunday 6 October 2019

Controversy Becomes Her

 The first version of this review appeared on Vulturehound and can be read HERE

Controversial seems to be Catherine Breillat’s middle name especially when talking about her filmography as well as her written work. Unfortunately, ‘Romance’ is mainly known for being one of the films that features unsimulated sex but this bleak, unglamorous look into an unhappy woman’s love and sex life is more than the controversy that follows it.

Marie’s boyfriend Paul refuses to have sex with her, leaving her unsatisfied and sexually frustrated. She decides to explore her desire through various encounters with men, even engaging in a sadomasochistic relationship, but every night she returns to Paul, desperately in love with him.

Marie is not happy. In fact, in one of her first scenes, she is crying, because of Paul, a cold stone-faced man who really doesn’t give a damn about her. Marie is the seen as the epitomy of frustration and despair. Even the moments of ecstasy she craves so much are filled with as a sadness that feels like she can never overcome. We feel her ongoing frustration while being in love with a man who shows no affection, sexual or otherwise and wanting to fulfil her sexual appetitive which takes her to some dark places. All her pain is stemmed from Paul and he feels like the villain of the story but Marie isn’t entirely blameless. She obviously doesn’t deserve the treatment she receives from the men she meets (including Paul) but she also seems to enjoy the pain. Left to her own devices she actively seeks out the pain she receives. It isn’t until the end where she realises her worth and takes drastic revenge.

Breillat’s films always highlight and discuss female pleasure through social and sexual conflicts. The character, Marie seems deny herself any sort of pleasure by staying with Paul. Even when she has affairs, she keeps to strict rules for herself dare she adventure any closer to her ultimate goal of pleasure. Always dressed in white apart from the red dress near the end, she both unattainable and easily seduced all at the same time, conveying various emotions with one expression and tearful outbreak. Breillat exacts this character from Caroline Ducey as if she is slowly and painful performing surgery and that is someone to admire.

If you’re looking for an overlooked gem full of insight and long deep and meaningful conversations about the past, present and the future then you will be disappointed. ‘Romance’ is not the film for you, especially if you’re suffering from issues same as in the film. However, if you have been craving that streak of delicious and unaccountable behaviour that heroines sometimes lack, prepare to me be dismayed and entertained.