Saturday 8 September 2018

Saturn's Return

As with all my life advice, I would turn to 30 Rock (there are so many gems in there) but for the past few weeks inbetween starting several posts and articles and trying to catch up with Mr Sunshine, I rewatched Parks and Recreation.

Parks & Rec is a hilarious show that I still laugh at no matter how many times I watch it. But by watching it all the way through (skipping season 1 - which I find too awkward to watch) I picked up on a few nuggets of wisdom. In season 7, April realises she doesn't actually like working for the National Park Service, its not something she is passionate about. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, career wise. Then, the wise Donna Meagle, tells her calmly, Saturn's Return.

April (questioning her career choices, to Donna): Donna, what do I do? If working around corpses isn’t right for me, then nothing is. I feel totally lost. Donna: Saturn’s return. April: What? Donna: Saturn’s orbit around the sun takes roughly 29 years. And when it gets back to where it was when you were born, lots of turmoil, self-discovery. When I was your age, I got banned from every river boat in Germany.

This past week I was suddenly hit with a sense of 'what the hell do I do now'. To be honest, I knew it was coming. I recently left a job I hated to my core, to the point my health deteriorated. The people were nice enough and the company was decent, but the job was awful. After my two weeks notice, I was left with that feeling of dread. I always that two weeks off, away from the world of work and then you panic. Its been true throughout my working life so I knew the panic stage was coming. BUT then I happened to watch Season 7, Episode 2 and I had a different perspective.

My own Saturn's Return is happening and I think its been happening all year. With so many up and down moments, a rollercoaster doesn't describe it all. I'm looking to more moments like this but I also know that everything will even out again. So, if like me, you're going through a similar 'ride' or if you've been through this and are safely at the other end, take care, as it will all be ok. Especially as Donna Meagle knows what she's talking about, she's the co-inventor of 'Treat Yo Self'.