Is it wrong to want to see a female character who isn't size 8 or below take centre stage or is plus size? There are plenty of inbetween sizes, as people come in all shapes and sizes. And when will we get films where the way they look is not part of the story, when will it be normalised? Is it wrong to want that character be a hitman/woman or a spy where they don't seduce anyone to get to where they need to be? Whenever the character is female or playing a female role, they always do this. Very rare is it when sex is not involved. Is it wrong to want an indepth character study where children are not part of the story? I'm really fed up of this plot element, why do women always have to be attached to children? Or they were tricked, betrayed by a former lover in the past? There are a myriad of plot devices that could be used but kids and former lovers are usually the reason for the characters motives. Is it wrong to want to see these things in films? If its wrong, I don't want to be right.
I'm sure anyone reading this can think of a few examples where these things aren't in play BUT I want to see it normalised, as normalised as seeing an all star male cast in an action film without batting an eyelid. That's what I want to see. Its also not unattainable. But with the pace that Hollywood moves at and like it or not they have the power to change but take their sweet time about it, I'm not sure when this will all happen. I mean, we're still waiting on a lead LGBTQ+ character to appear in a Disney film. Background, side characters and extras are not acceptable. Let alone a disabled character where their disability isn't the story.
I think I'm just a little more than fed up with the current attitudes in film and cinema. TV are ahead of the game by far, not sure why, by film just doesn't seem to take the risks.
I do love genre films and indie films alike but I really just wish I could see something else. I'm all about story but this story needs to change.