Friday 27 March 2020

"What kind of bird are you?"

Finally. I've finished my Moonrise Kingdom zine.

Maybe its because I'm finally getting my groove back or that I have time on my hands, but I've finally completed the zine I started in November. In fact, I'll be saying 'finally' quite a bit over the next few weeks. Although this zine isn't quite what I had in mind, I was determined to complete it sooner rather than later.

My aim is to have the zines I've made available to view as a PDF and eventually become available to purchase BUT that last part is quite a way off as I would need a printer and scanner in order to complete my real zine dreams. Until then, please enjoy this sneak peak at the finished PDF. Hoping to print a few copies so I can see what it looks like, as I'm thinking of future Wes Anderson projects and how they'll all need to be in landscape to fully take in his visual style.

I have other zine ideas in the works, maybe with luck and lockdown I'll get them donw soon too.