Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Thursday Movie Picks: Halloween Edition: Werewolves

I don't watch any horror, but I have watched films that have either horror elements in them or are remakes or reboots of classic horror characters like The Mummy and The Wolfman and Frankenstien. Here is my very short list of films that feature werewolves. I was tempted just to have this be the whole post:

1.  Underworld
I remember seeing the sequel at the cinema, it was during my school years. I also remember buying the DVDs then selling them years later thinking why the hell did I buy these. Underworld was on TV quite a bit too at the time. It was essentially a vampire film but in the first film, theres a war going between vamps and lycans (fancy name for werewolves). I remember they or someone else engineered silver liquid bullets? Then then werewolves made UV light bullets to kill the vamps. Anyway, after watching the first film, it didn't seem the obvious choice for a franchise but at least Kate Beckinsale got something out of it.

2. Dog Soldiers
I saw this by accident. I thought it was a war film. I recoginsed some of the actors and though, sure I'll watch this alone at night. I was freaked out as soon as I realised what I was watching. I stuck with it though and yes, I regret it. But through the gore and scares, it is actually a decent British horror film. Of course it goes without saying I will never see it again.

3. The Wolfman
This came out when I was at Uni, my friends and I were all excited to see it for one reason or another, (mine was Benicio Del Toro) and then we were all disappointed. It wasn't that great. It had a great cast and was all set to bring back the classic monsters but instead of a classic monster movie, it was just a run of the mill Victorian werewolf film, with not much of twist. I actually can't remember the end.

Don't forget to check out what Wandering Through the Shelves picked, the blog that started Thursday Movie Picks.