I think I lost touch with music when I was 18.

I listened to a track 'Adventure' by Be Your Own Pet, which I actually hadn't listened too since I was 18, yet it had been on my ipod all this time. I listened to rest of the album I had on there and looked through the artists. I realised I hadn't listened to some of the songs on there for years. Years!
It brought me back to my school and college days. I remember going to gigs every month, buying NME religiously, even did work experience at the magazine and buying albums of all the new bands. Its so weird to think back or listen back.
I've always loved film, but from the ages of 14 to 18 I was really into music. Sadly, I got rid of all my NME magazines, except the issues where Yeah Yeah Yeahs were on the cover. I also got rid of quite a few CDs. I put them on my laptop and gave them away. People talk about their childhood toys and memories, but I think my teenage years were split between films, drinking and music. Drinking has to be mentioned as I did used to drink an awful lot. That continued on to my Uni days of course.
Music was close to my heart, yet I never fully learned how to play an instrument, I can't sing that well at all and I can't even remember the last live gig I saw. Music is still inspiration, especially when I'm writing or thinking up ideas. But it has taken a back seat. When I say, 'oh I don't follow music', its sounds stuck up but I'm telling the truth, I really have no idea whats happening in music world.
I can count the bands I would pay to see live on one hand and thats not including going to an arena show. Thats too big for me. I'd like to say that my taste in music has grown since I was a narrow minded teen. I still like 'indie', rock and of course musicals but I think I have branched out, even if it is just the odd one off song.
I listened to all the bands I loved in my teen years on my journey home. Franz Ferdinand, Be Your Own Pet, The Young Knives, The Rakes, Razorlight, Weezer, Editors, The Grates, Interpol, The Maccabees, Maximo Park, Mystery Jets, The Long Blondes, Jamie T, The Pipettes, Regina Spektor, Snow Patrol, Spinto Band and We Are Scientists.
The Futureheads and Gogol Bordello were my favourite bands. No Doubt started me off. Placebo were and shall always be a favourite band, no matter what age. I know lots of the bands are still going today but I don't buy albums anymore, just the odd song. Of course I still listen to Kings of Leon, The Kills, The Killers and all the classics. But the last CD I bought, that wasn't a soundtrack, was Yeah Yeah Yeahs' new album. I doubt this will change, but I'll always look back on those music crazed days with fondness.
Song that made my teenage years:
Adventure - Be Your Own Pet - video
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand - video
Meantime - The Futureheads - video
Start Wearing Purple - Gogol Bordello - video