Logan Lucky
Like all directors who announce their retirement, they usually get started on a new project, Logan Lucky was that film for Steven Soderbergh. With a great ensemble cast of delightful characters (except for Seth MacFarlane with his awful 'British' accent) and an entertaining heist for the right reasons story, it was always going to be a winner. Not excatly like other heist films, certain members if this 'crew' are either already in prison or have to go to prison first in order the plan to go ahead. Its favourite device of mine that a film keeps you guessing the whole way through. The serious comedic characters of both Channing Tatum and Adam Driver are understated, even Daniel Craig's explosives expert isn't over the top (though the trailers and other reviews would have it that way). A fun film I could happily watch on repeat, just like Ocean's Eleven. 4/5
My full review of this story about a 13 year old girl who learns she is going blind and rebels against her mother can be read over at VultureHound. 3/5
Miss Sloane
Jessica Chastain is always at the forefront of conversations about female characters and women in film and TV, always asking challenging as why there are so few of both. She started her own production company, like other high profile actresses to change this. But when I first saw the trailers for this film, I thought this was completely off what she was trying to achieve. However, Miss Sloane may be a stone cold bitch at times, damn good at her job always and carefully chooses those around her, she also knows the 'game' (lobbying) so well she can predict everything. But only she knows everything so its actually edge of your seat storytelling. There are also other great female characters in the film, but Chastain really does steal the film. 4/5
This was definitely a 'wait until its on Netflix/Amazon' kind of film and finally the moment arrived. Despite being scared of anything slightly horror like when I was younger, I did actaully read a few Goosebumps stories and I did watch some less scary episodes of the TV show back in the day too. Having R.L. Stine as the grumpy next door neighbour was amusing (and I do quite like Jack Black) to the 'new kid in town' who makes friends with his daughter. The story about the books coming to life with all the horrors running through town destroying everything was also entertaining, but the twist to one of the characters was really disappointing and rather ruined the ending of the film, but with Jillian Bell playing a small but hilarious role, sort of balanced the film out. Not sure where the sequel could go though, if there was one. 3/5
Power Rangers

I rolled my eyes when this was announced and when it was released BUT was pleased to hear that this 90s childhood memory (they've been a few disappointments, looking at you Ninja Turtles) was not completely terrible. In all honesty, I reallyed enjoyed this 'reboot' of the mighty morphing power rangers, with five random (literally) teenagers who happen to be at the spot where the previous rangers team crash landed thousands of years ago. They touch the stones and BOOM they have superpowers but they aren't superheroes, they are power rangers, there's a difference. Elizabeth Banks, obviously having lots of fun in the villain role, half plays for laughs (demanding gold) and half terrifying everyone (eating and demanding gold). This plays out as an origin story but also as reintro to how the rangers work. All the teens makes an impression and even though at times, a little over dramatic, they still pull through, as a team. Another reason why I enjoyed this so much, not realising until after, there was no 'love' story between the rangers, all platonic friendships, which was SO refreshing. 3/5
Early Man
I love Aardman animation. The previous stop motion animated features were superb, brilliantly executed with humour and emotion that only they could muster. Early Man is a well made film BUT less cinematic than Aardman's other work. Dug, his best friend Hognob (a warthog) and their docile tribe live a peaceful life in their valley, but when Bronze age settlers run they out to the 'badlands' so they can mine ore, Dug challenges the intruders. Not to a fight but to a football game, who wins, keeps the valley. That's it really. This was the disappointing fact about the film, it was all about football really and as I do not care for sports, this was amusing as there are some visual jokes as well as just the whole setting being comical, but I had hoped it was about something else. I think what Early Man was missing was a connection was everyone could enjoy. Chicken Run and Curse of he Were-Rabbit worked so well not only because they were both very British but they both parodied a well know film or genre. Early Man relies of the audience liking and caring about....(sigh) football. 3/5