Wednesday, 2 October 2013

What All Film Fans Want

I'm getting really excited about film today, more than usual in fact. And its not just because I have tickets booked and sorted for Catching Fire at BFI IMAX when it comes out in November. And its not just because the BFI London Film Festival starts next week. No, its not just because of those awesome things.

Although I am pretty excited after being in the cinema after three weeks of not being in a cinema. I went to see Ron Howard's Rush. But more on that in the Hit, Miss or Maybe post that will be coming soon, I promise. There are only three films on that list unfortunately but it will be here soon, I do promise.

Anyway, the reason why I am excited about film today is because of an announcement from BFI, yes them again, I do love BFI. The British Film Institute is launching their own BFI PLAYER, like iplayer from BBC, ITV and 4OD from channel 4 and like Curzon Cinemas OnDemand player, except the latter you have to pay for. Back to the launch; BFI are launching BFI Player this month I am excited!

Actually on 30th September the BFI turned 80! So there are/were two things to celebrate this week. The BFI was formed in 1933 after negotiations with the film industry and was registered as a private company. BFI's goal was to be a source of information on filmmaking, cinema and to be a research body for teachers and the film industry.

Here's to another 80 years! #filmforever