Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Neo Noir: Marnie



Hitchcock's suspenseful sex thriller, as the poster for the film calls it, is borderline insane as its premise is ridiculous, on paper. On screen however, Tippi's Marnie is both a cold hearted thief and vulnerable woman suppressing childhood trauma that rears its head at the most difficult of times. On the surface the cruelty Marnie suffers is a punishment for crimes but really this is a exploration into her mind. Not as deep a dive as it could go but still a worthy Hitchcock classic that is mostly pushed aside in flavour of his other films. The double side to this film is connected to Tippi Hedren herself who only did the film because she contracted to due to the abuse she received from Hitchcock. This could be the real breakdown we witness from that stress. But that might reading too far into it.


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