Sunday, 2 November 2014

Halloween Night

Last year was one of my favourite Halloween nights. The best times were while I was at University, my friends and I held parties and they were so much fun. Dressing up (and drinking) was the best part.

If you follow this blog, you'll know I dressed up as Boris and Barbara, the half and half one year. My favourite costume, I couldn't top it so I dressed up as my version of the Mad Hatter the following year. But last year, all I did was watch Cabin in the Woods at my friend's house. I had seen it but it still scared me. There was no hassle just a calm evening.

This year, I'm dressing up again and I have to admit, I have missed this part.

The Day of the Dead is actually a three day festival, 31st October, 1st & 2nd November and it is where family and friends gather at cemeteries to remember their loved ones who have died.

My choice of costumes was inspired by this day and by the recent release of The Book of Life which was recently released. Unfortunately, I've still not seen it.

Hope you all had a spooky Halloween! I think I had better think of next year's costume, just to be prepared.