Nineties films are having a resurgence and for those who grew up in the days of the 1990s are finally able to reminisce. The nostalgia that we all had for the 80s and before has run its course as now we now so far into the millennium, two generations in, it is now time to talk about the good old days and what we used to watch when we were kids and teens. This new and acceptable appreciation for those 90s films are being explored by the young film fans of today. Discovering a treasure trove of stories that influences later films and gained notoriety for explicit scenes, characters and plot, whether they were good or bad or the ever-popular category of ‘so bad its good’. Quite a few 90s films were unceremoniously thrown into this later list due to the fact they were 90s films and not given the gravitas they deserved. Thankfully due to those physical media advocates, we have been given various versions of films from that time period.
Read the full article in the latest issue of Filmhounds HERE.