I've been quite quiet on the blogging front these past couple of weeks but for very good reasons. As my current job is coming to an end I've been going to interviews, completing applications and such things. Luckily I think after the very stressful week and weekend things may be looking up for ole' Katie.
I'm actually quite sad to be leaving my current job, even though it took a while to settle in but I think a cliche line is needed here, on wards and upwards. Hopefully blogging is looking up too as I'm expanding into other communities. I was recently accepted into The LAMB which I'm every excited about. I am Lamb #1860. I have also been welcomed into the Vulturehound fold which I am very much looking forward to writing for.
With the end of Check the Gate comes the beginning of the frenzy that is BFI London Film Festival. I have all the relevant dates, when the programme is released, when tickets go on sale, when it starts. I'm even gearing up to that shockingly early start on 8th September when I queue up for my tickets, determined to be nearer the front this year as I can do better than 8th place.
I also have Empire Live coming up. No idea what will happen or how I actually get tickets for the individual events but hoping Empire will shine some light on this soon.
Looking back at June and July and even May, I seemed to have knuckled down and written quite a few posts. August will be and has been a quiet month but with September not far off, things will get busier.