What is the great MCU plan? What do they have set out for us all?
Having just seen Eternals recently on Disney+ because I missed it at the cinemas, my thought about the film were not what they should be. Firstly, and personally, I felt the film was too wide, it felt as if it was stepping outside the last MCU phase and was observing from afar. I know this is what the Eternals were meant to be doing but it felt that there was yet another layer being added to the heavily padded out universe. Dare I say it that Marvel Studios had bitten off far more than they can chew and spit out. Secondly, I thought the film was, on the whole quite good, Chloe Zhao has a keen eye for visuals and I very much appreciated the variety of characters. But I also felt that the Eternals never should have been included in the MCU.

Their purpose and involvement was too vast. Having them fight Deviants (lame name but you can’t win them all) just felt and turned out to be time wasting. Adding even more characters to the already over-crowded mix is mind bending. Not to mention with the arrival of the multiverse it’s going to become a hell of a lot more confusing. Before Phase Two began, the execs were worried that Guardians of the Galaxy was going to be too weird. But as that is literally a space story with aliens, guns and an 80s soundtrack, it was going to be a sure thing. BUT Eternals isn’t. Its set on Earth with a group of humanoid beings with powers. It could either be seen as more of the same or just too beyond the scope, especially with the celestials.
The days of having the Defenders on Netflix, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and the MCU films feels so long ago. The Agent Carter series that had such promise then buckled under in season two also, seems so long ago. We also don’t talk about Inhumans. Now that Disney has literally SO many TV shows in the works makes me wonder whether when will this all end or will it be never ending considering the amount of comic book characters out there. Personally, I didn’t watch all the shows, I haven’t even caught up with the films yet (No Way Home, also missed at the cinema). I only watch what interests me and if it has Oscar Issac in it.
Having gone back and rewatched AOS seasons 1-5, I remembered why I stopped. It wasn’t just that I wasn’t able to find the last two seasons to watch (the UK was a year behind on TV) but I felt that something had shifted to the point I wasn’t sure if I liked how the series was going. I will finish the whole thing as I really need to know exactly what happened not just the final few minutes. Season 6 marked the point where the series wasn’t acknowledging the films, made sense but also didn’t. One of the biggest mistakes was the films not acknowledging the series. Especially as it has the greatest love story in the MCU.
There is a part of me that wished everything had ended with Endgame just for the sake of neatness and a story coming full circle. But there’s more, there’s always more. Of course, I want Guardians of the Galaxy Vol3 and to an extent Thor: Love and Thunder, but otherwise, I’ve stopped getting excited for the next release. Shang-chi was exciting as I loved the cast and on the whole, really enjoyed the film. But every film, set on Earth, seems to just be about the be all and end all. The smaller stories are no different. With Wandavision, Wanda threatened to tear reality apart, in Loki, the Time Variance Authority and a massive clue towards the multiverse and the new ‘big bad’. Honestly didn’t bother with Hawkeye and the other show, they really didn’t interest me. Despite the backlash that the series on Netflix got, I very much enjoyed some of the shows involving the Defenders. That intimacy is what’s missing but it looks like Moon Knight might capture this again. But knowing Marvel, it will be connected to a bigger picture, maybe, Secret Invasion involving MI-13 (the British S.H.I.E.L.D).
Unlike before, there were Avengers films to collect everyone together but for Phase 4 there is no film that will have everyone together as there is no more Iron Man or Captain America to bring everyone together. But it still feels like everyone is being pulled in together. So far characters from Phase 2 & 3 are appearing in each other’s films and TV shows. There is no, sorry to use this, endgame. God knows what Phase 5 will be or if we’ll get there. I’ll be ok with that not happening.
One of the theories my friend and I had was that multiverse was an opportunity to bring in mutants and the X-Men, now that that film franchise is dead. But with the way things were going in Wandavision, I thought House of M might make an appearance. Bu then again, the latter mostly affected mutants. Maybe all of the above will happen but as there has been no word, Disney might try and let that superhero chain cover over in dust.
Its strange to think that this all started in 2007 with Iron Man, I never would have guessed this growth.