Slightly preempting this month but releasing the watch list early-ish, but I'm guessing the films I see later will ge included next month.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I completely forgot about this Star Wars story. In my head I thought I'd written about it. I think, in some ways, I didn't want to write about this film, just enjoy it. I'll say this first, this film, wasn't
needed, but it was fun to watch. Seeing young Han, played perfectly by Alden Ehrenreich (love this guy), scrabble around for survival the escape to become a pilot for the Empire, then to meet his best friend for life Chewie was something I didn't know I wanted to see. Han and Chewie best buds scenes were the highlight, apart from Lando in all his caped glory. From the war, to the heist with those epic trains, to being caught up in a gang war, to the beyond creepy Crimson Dawn and the all the crazy bits inbetween (slave riot is another highlight), Solo was a great story that fits neatly into the saga, even though it doesn't actually answer anything, but brings more questions about the extended universe, the last few minutes for example.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

What can I say about Jurassic World that hasn't been said already? As sequels go, its as expected. It isn't necessarily 'bigger' but it does try to be bolder. The dinosaurs are in peril, as the island they inhabit is about to explode as it is discovered that there is an active volcano beneath the island. Funny how this was wasn't checked out when the theme park was built on it. Actually, there are quite a few of these moments that happen so often, it doesn't matter. The film is ridiculous but I love it. Dinosaurs are awesome and as the plot just gets sillier, the more enjoyable it becomes. From terrible names for new dinosaurs to steretyped new characters to the number one thing to never do in a Jurassic Park/World film, bringing dinosaurs to the mainland, it never ends well. Anyhoo, the dinos are in danger of being killed off, our favourite couple (no longer a couple at this point) Claire and Raptor whisperer Owen try to save them when an obvious shady deal is struct with a shady company, owned by a guy who used to know Hammond and his shady assistant. Dr. Henry Wu is also back and gives a few 'I'm an artist' speeches before being knocked out and dragged into the next film. Blue is also back, in videos of her as a baby dino, which are adorable I have to say, and as an injured adult. The evolution of the Velociraptors from villain to friend over the entire franchise is something you wouldn't have expected. An added bonus was a scene with our favourite Chaos Theorist who insists that we should let the dinos die otherwise we'll end up in their world. Life finds a way. 3/5
Ocean's 8

I've always said that Ocean's Eleven could have had an entire female cast and the dialogue would not have needed to change. Then last year it was announced that there would be an Ocean's film, featuring all women, well, I was half happy, half confused. On the one hand having a cast a really great women who are just effortlessly cool was fantastic news, but the fact that it was part of a 'franchise' and not a brand new story with no ties to the male orientated trio of films, was disappointing. Debbie Ocean is released from prison, similiar to how her brother Danny was in the remake, Ocean's Eleven. She and her partner in crime Lou put together a team of women, each bringing their own skills to the table, to execute a heist at the famed Met Gala. At first it was annoying they were stealing jewellery BUT the heist is actually quite thrilling and the plan is perfect. The only thing that bugged me in the end was that the film didn't up the stakes. There was no real peril for the ladies, plus James Cordon was no needed. I did enjoy the fact that none of the woman had to resort to seducing anyone and didn't use their sexuality to complete the heist as so many spy or crime thriller often do. It was clean cut and as I said earlier, effortlessly cool. 4/5
Four Film Noirs
A while ago, I bought a boxest of four films; The Dark Mirror, Secret Beyond the Door, Force of Evil and The Big Combo. All reviewed on Vulturehound
Tokyo Tribe
Having missed this Hip Hop musical about gangs in Tokyo, based the mang series, at LFF a couple of years back, I saw it on sale, like I do, in my favourite Fopp. Watched it on a whim and within minutes I hated it. Some of the music introducing the gangs was good and set design of the entire film is actually amazing but the constant threat of rape of the all the women in the film (only one main character who is a woman too) was too much. Maybe it's my own fault for not reading more about the film to understand what it was about or maybe I should go the hint from Hip Hop (like a sexist Hip Hop video but feature length). Either way, I really did not like this film. If you're curious, by all means seek it out for yourselves, you may enjoy it. 1/5
Set It Up

A surprise hit from Netflix original films, meaning, I thought this was better than expected. Two PAs in work themselves to the bone for little to no pay off for their highly strung and careless bosses decide to set them up to make their own lives easier. But over time, the question of sacrificing their own freedom (and happiness) at the cost of lying to someone comes into question, also the PAs themselves start to fall for each other. Even though I'm not a 'sports fan', I can appreciate that the two main female characters are sports writers. Lucy Liu is the successful owner of an online sports journalism empire and she's fantastic. For me, I think its just great to see Lui in a film again. Her relationship with her PA Harper is better than that of Charlie's with his venture capitalist boss Rick, who moans about his ex-wife and takes little to no interest in his kid's life. The guys are out for themselves but Harper, no matter how badly treated she is, still respects Kirsten and her work. Its slightly messed but in the end it all works out better as Harper is encouraged to write by Kirsten. I actually worked as a PA for two terrible months, it takes a patient and special kind of person to do that job. 3/5
Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
This was watched on a whim as I never watched the first Ninja Turtle film. I hate Michael Bay and I'm not a huge fan of Megan Fox, but after what she said about Bay and her treatment, I have more respect for her now. Those feelings aside, a live action version of Ninja Tutrles didn't sound great on paper or in trailers BUT the sequel was a fun silly frolic where 80% of the characters from the TV animated series were motion captured. With Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady appearing in this jam packed film, I couldn't resist. It was just like the cartoon I watched as a kid, except there was some emotional brother drama between the turtles which was just annoying to sit through. 3/5
The Search for John Gissing
Full review of this 'lost' Alan Rickman starring film from 2001 is over on
Vulturehound. 2/5
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
My thoughts on this film will be posted up on Vulturehound next month nearer the the UK release date. I'll link back here then. 4/5