
Thursday 6 October 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Witches/Warlocks

Gearing up for Halloween and my annual treat to myself when I watch Caroline, Frankenweenie and The Cabin in the Woods. This year I got myself a new comedy horror to try and get through, The Final Girl, which looks....interesting.

I would have just picked American Horror Story: Coven for this but instead I played along.

Don't forget to check out what Wandering Through the Shelves picked, the blog that started Thursday Movie Picks.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 

As this was my favourite book in the series, I picked the film to join it. I actually only read the first four books and gave up mid book 5, sorry too long and life is too short. It goes for the films, except I sat through those. What was the actual point of The Half Blood Prince? I know there is a lot of Potter fans out there so I'll be brief. Azkaban was brilliant, its the first time we got to Hogsmeade and the great ever prop/magical device is used, The Marauder’s Map. I have my own, the only Potter memorabilia I have and will have. It’s a work of art. Also, this is the one book/film that is not about Voldemort, which is refreshing, its about Gary Oldman which I much prefer.

The Craft

A 90s teen movie about a group of girls who practice witchcraft? Of course I watched this when I was young! Once crazy girl, two stooges and one with natural talent, that’s the way it always goes. I re-watched this at some point last year, (Halloween maybe?) and it’s as bizarre and crazy as I remembered. It’s not said enough but hell is a teenage girl, as being a teenage girl is utter hell. The film may be about the supernatural but deep down this is what its about. Also the witch craft off is brilliant, its worth it just to see Fairuza Balk with full make up on smiling that terrifying smile with thunder and lightening surrounding her. 

Hocus Pocus
 For years I refused to watch this thinking it was horror (it had Sarah Jessica Parker in it) then later realising my mistake, I thought it was trash (it had Sarah Jessica Parker in it). Realising my mistake again, I watched at Uni and loved it. I mean, it had Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy in it. Three witch sisters kills children by stealing their youth and are hanged in Salem, then 300 years later a young idiot tries to impress a girl and accidentally resurrects the witches. Its ridiculously brilliant. 

Couldn't resist...

The Sword in the Stone

How could I not include this other Disney classic? The beginnings of King Arthur and his strange lessons as a fish and squirrel with Merlin and Archimedes, his educated pet owl who has the best laugh. Not only is there a wizard but there is also an underrated villain, Mad Madame Mim, a witch and Merlin’s nemesis. The Wizard’s Duel is the best scene (apart from the squirrels) in the film.