
Tuesday 30 March 2021

Watch List: February & March


The New Mutants 


After all the hype around this film, I had hoped for something brilliant, the last FOX X-Men film before Disney got their greedy hands on the franchise and potentially ruined it. But seeing the bad press round Dark Phoenix, the mutants were probably in need of a reboot. New Mutants doesn't really end of the franchise on a high but rather just throws a spanner into the void. With a few new characters to get to know, the whole story unfortunately revolves around trying to find out what or who is causing the weird events, bring out everyone's fears, SPOILER ALERT, its obviously the latest recuit/patient admitted last. There are some great characters here but the story doesn't really focus on them. The film spends too much time on a romantic pairing and too much screen time to Magik who prances around too much, its frankly annoying. But her purple dragon is cool. The film doesn't even conclude properly, most likely with the hope of another film but we'll just have to wait and see what Disney does next. 3/5

The Dig

British films sometimes falling into two catagories; cheap and cheerful (rom-coms or gritty gangster stories) or historical and stuffy, which takes in what the Brits are known for in the film world I'm sure. The Dig is most definitely the second catagory. Based on a true story about some mounds of earth in Suffolk that had hidden Medieval treasures inside. Archaeologist-excavator Basil Brown, who had worked on many digs but barely credited on the finds, is center stage here. Carey Mulligan is on had to provide more gravitas to the film. A few other British actors pepper the screen with a weak love story and bickering museum curators, the story seems light. But it is difficult to get really into a story about digging up historical artifacts unless you're very interested in the subject. The film on the whole feels lackluster. 2/5

The Stylist  

Full review over at Filmhounds HERE. 4/5

 Mogul Mowgli  

Full review over at Filmhounds HERE. 4/5

Van Helsing 

I sometimes wondered how I managed to miss this film when it first came out. It was on the cover of Empire magazine at a time when I would have tried to see as many films as possible BUT things weren't as accessible as they are now. Thank you streaming services. This was literally a monster mash, a Hollywood botch job that doesn't really make sense, coupled with awful CGI (when it was made gives it no excuse). Van Helsing works for a secret organisation run by priests, monks and holy people basically, where he hunts down monsters. The story mixes several classic gothic novels hoping anyone who can read won't notice. The story is confusing and at the same time predictable BUT I was entertained despite the many many flaws. 2/5

Barb & Star Go to Vista Del Mar 

This is one of the most biazrre films to have been released in recent years. Its rather reminiscent of the wacky comedies from the 90s that no one will talk about but its also thoroughly enjoyable. Half friendship film, half self discovery and half obsurd revenge action film, plus a few random musical numbers, it entertaining as hell. The film never goes where you think it will, some twists and turns throughout and double character bill for Kristen Wiig for some reason. As brilliant as she is, someone else could have stepped in for this part as there is no real reason for the dual role. Written and starring both Wiig and Annie Mumolo, who also co wrote Bridesmaids, make a great team. 3/5

They Came From Beyond Space 

Full review over at Filmhounds HERE. 1/5

Dreams on Fire  

Full review over at Filmhounds HERE. 3/5


Full review over at Filmhounds HERE. 3/5

The Kid Detective 

Full review over at Filmhounds HERE. 4/5

The Craft Legacy

 Full review over at Filmhounds HERE. 2/5

Thursday 25 March 2021

Dramarama - BFI Flare


Coming out stories can vary from film to film, but when they are of the teenage variety, there is usually drama to be found. Dramarama is not a fresh take on this momentous moment in a queer person’s life but it is a familiar set up with a fun and sometimes playful story with cookie cutter characters. The group of friends feel stagnated but also comforting to watch, a throwback to being young and ambitious and when a time when everything felt like a huge step. This story is ultimately not about someone coming out to their friends but rather a last hurrah to teenage-dom and a farewell, for now, to friends.


On the eve before Rose leaves for college, she hosts a murder mystery party for her friends to enjoy. All into drama, musicals, literature and theatricals; Claire, Ally, Oscar and Gene, lepat the chance to play one last game before they too leave for college. Being close friends, knowing each other better than themselves, there is of course the fights, the secrets revealed and the religious discussions. All the while Gene struggles without how to come out to his friends unsure how they will take this news.

Set over one night, five very close friends spend the evening and night hashing out everything they’ve kept bottled up as well as remembering the good times, including games they played, quoting films they love and just having or trying to have fun. The group all have very clear-cut personalities which is laid out so meanly by JD, the only outsider to feature in the film. Seen as the cool drop out by some, sad and pathetic by others. Rose, the party host is the uptight one, needing to control everything. Claire is the innocent prude who is happily going off to Christian college. Oscar is the blowhard who tries to impress others but really doesn’t know what he’s doing and hasn’t quite admitted to himself who he is. Ally is the straight talking honest one, out of everyone, she is open minded. Then there’s Gene, who is going to community college and just doesn’t know how to come out to his surprisingly narrow-minded friends. At least, they are narrow minded when it comes to religion which comes quite frequently throughout. At times its uncomfortable to hear their views, especially when they play a game where they pretend to be gay and re-enact tableau of gay couples getting caught in a flashlight. Really bizarre. Maybe there is some pent up energy that the group doesn’t want to admit to, at least that is most likely the case with Oscar.


The better moments are when the friends are in twos, those are when they open up to each other, sometimes tentatively, but these are still the more intimate and realistic moments. No drama, just being honest with each other. It’s clear this group of friends are going to miss one another out in the world alone so it’s nice to see that arguments are not left hanging and bad words aren’t exchanged towards the end. There is an optimistic feel to the end of the film that these friends will see each other again.



Tuesday 23 March 2021

Tove - BFI Flare


Tove Jansson is struggling painter, deciding to find her own way in life outside her sculptor father’s studio. Taking a run-down apartment during World War two, she begins her life as a wild and care free artist. Her world is turned upside down when she meets the upper-class theatre director Vivica Bandler, whom she falls desperately in love with. Opening her up to new experiences and opportunity, Tove finds out how painful unrequited love can be, channelling her emotions into her art and into her most famous creations, The Moomins.


Full review can be read over at Filmhounds HERE.



Saturday 20 March 2021

Sweetheart - BFI FLare


Having been forced to go on holiday, 17-year-old April, but insists on being called AJ, is in a permanent state of annoyed as she made to spend quality time with her mum, her little sister Dayna, her older pregnant sister Lucy and her boyfriend Steve, whom is the only one AJ actually gets along with. But things start to look up when AJ meets Isla, one of the lifeguards at the holiday park. She starts to have a bit of fun, opening up to the possibility that the holiday might be better than she anticipated.  


Full review over at Filmhounds HERE.

Friday 19 March 2021

Cowboys - BFI Flare


When Jo and his father disappear in the middle of the night, his mother calls the police and soon there is a search party out looking for him. Born a girl, Jo knows he is a boy and only his father seems to understand him. But his father has his own his issues to deal with, taking pills to help his mental health, he just wants his son to be happy. But choosing to take drastic measures to ensure that, doesn’t always end well.


Transgender children have been a more recent topic of conversation, in magazines, newspapers, TV shows, documentaries and of course all-over social media. The debate whether children should be allowed to transition at a young age still goes on and varies from country to country. But the first step before all this is the child coming forward and saying they are transgender. Various films over the recent years have created stories around this subject but there hasn’t be one (that I can think of) that has the father of a transgender child escape into the wilderness so that they can protect them. Cowboys is a story about Jo and his parents, Troy and Sally and how they act.


Sasha Knight who plays Jo is a revelation. Comfortably fitting into the character and finding the vulnerable and joyful aspects. The most tender and heartfelt stand out moments in the film are definitely between Knight and Steve Zahn who plays Troy. The chemistry between the actors is what makes this film a delight to watch. Jillian Bell also shows she isn’t just a comedy actress as Jo’s distraught mother, Sally.

The desperate nature of both Troy and Sally and trying to understand who they are is given equal time on screen as well as Jo’s own story. Although we learn through fragmented flashback scenes as to how the father and son ended up on the run, on horseback in the wilderness, we never really see Jo’s quieter moments or his journey to how he knew he was a boy in a girl’s body. All of this is off screen and we are shown him uncomfortable in dresses and arguments with his mother. These would have been vital scenes if this was just about Jo but as this was about an action with consequences, Jo’s personal journey is not included in the story.


Thursday 18 March 2021

My First Summer - BFI Flare


Having grown up in isolation, Claudia finds herself alone and scared after her mother suddenly dies. By chance Grace stumbles into her home and her life, igniting a friendship and special bond in both of them. But as the girls become closer, so do the police, trying find out what happened to the reclusive author who used to live in the middle of nowhere. With the threat of Claudia’s discovery coming ever closer, the girls try to make plan but can they’re new found love survive this?


Each of the girls crave something and when they find each other, a piece of them is found. Claudia, having grown up with just her mother and dog, Tobey for company, companionship, you can understand that she’ll behave slightly strangely towards anyone. She is both in shock and a state of grief throughout the film which is only paused once she gets used to having Grace around. Grace has a difficult home life and seeks companionship. With a neglectful mother and the uncomfortable presence of her boyfriend, she has no desire to be at home. She also doesn’t seem to have any friends. The girls give each other what they need. They’re slow and gentle cautious romance feels inevitable from the moment they meet and it unfolds at a pace befitting their characters. Nothing is done in haste, including the unfolding of what happened to Claudia’s mother. The realisation of her suicide is revealed in hazy sun-soaked flashbacks but doesn’t give much away as why she planned it out in this way. More back story for Claudia and her mother would have been helped explain a few things, including their relationship but as the focus is the girls, its given to us as an afterthought.


The scenes where the girls are just enjoying summer, playing, decorating Claudia’s room, eating fruit in the garden are full of joy. Even the tentative moments, as they kiss for the first time are treated with such care. It’s as if the delicate nature of which we find Claudia is expressed throughout the film. A tender first love, over the long hot summer story that weaves in elements of the coming of age genre, bringing hope that this genre can still offer up surprises.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

10 Years of She Likes Movies

On March 11th 2011 I started a blog. I started it initially to chronicle the making of my final year film, Space Detective and then my dissertation on violence and its meaning in the Coen Brothers’ films. One of my favourite post titles, Operation Dissertation Hibernation, which was very accurate. I kept in my room writing, editing and then printing for 3 days, making an extra-large thermos of hot water so that I could make multiple cups of tea without going to the kitchen. Back then, I was still able to drink black tea. I would switch to green tea in the evenings and during the night if I decided to write later. On the fourth day I went and printed extra copies at the University (as far as I can remember) and then submitted it. It was an intense few day but the dissertation was complete. My film was complete. University was almost over. Little did I know that my blog would my constant companion, source and outlet for my writing and ultimately my gateway to other ventures. 


The original name for my blog was an inside joke between me and a friend and I had no intention of taking my blog any further than just writing a few silly stories, anecdotes and sharing my thoughts on films. Ever So Ethnically Confused was a place for fiction, film and reality (oh my). Through the blog and the blogging community I met other film bloggers, writers and critics. I was part of the female geek bloggers, taking part in Fandom Fridays. I was part of the Thursday Movie Picks group for a time, but couldn’t keep up with commenting and reading, there were a lot of us. I drifted away from the more fun side of blogging and tried to become more focused on writing about film. Stream lining to reviews, feature length (sometimes) posts and listicles of my own. I created my Afternoon Movie reoccurring posts as well as the VS posts and finally moved towards film festivals. But by 2016 I decided that I needed a name change and a slight redesign. I was now writing regularly for Vulturehound and an active member of the Park Circus Ambassadors Network, attending events and screenings so I needed to streamline my writing even more. She Likes Movies was my new identity. 


Since 2016, my blog and hopefully my writing has improved. I’ve written for more places, I’ve gained accreditation at festivals and I’ve covered countless films, either for myself and blog or other outlets, mainly Filmhounds (used to be Vulturehound). I’ve also expanded my knowledge, attending a film critics workshop, a film programmers’ course, going to more film festivals, big and small and stretching outside my comfort zone covering films in genres I wouldn’t have touched 6 years ago. I’ve also collaborated on a few pieces, done a few interviews and introduced a few films at special screenings, a particular highlight was getting to introduce The Big Lebowski at Cinema Rediscovered. On top of all this, I’ve also got to create my own zines! 


I said I was planning something special, ideally it would have been a screening or at least I would have tried to make than happen if it hadn’t been for the pandemic. So, instead, I created a book to commemorate 10 years of writing on my blog, 10 years of She Likes Movies.



This blog has been a big part of my writing journey, as cliché as it sounds, this blog is what got me love film again and find a pathway into what I really want to create. Although I set out to become a filmmaker back in 2011, I can return to the craft one day but at heart, I’ll always be a film critic and this blog is part of it. It’s been 10 years so here’s to the next decade of film!


The Greenhouse - BFI Flare


Grief is a difficult thing. Everyone grieves in their own way that others may not understand and interpret in other ways. The Greenhouse is a physical manifestation of one family’s journey through the past and present, centred around the death of a parent. 


On the weekend of her mother’s birthday, her siblings are coming back home, where Beth has never left. Still grieving for her other mother who died, Beth feels stuck where she is. But one day she enters the greenhouse which sends her back in time where she can watch moments in hers and her family’s life and she gets to see her mum again. But as she spends more time in the greenhouse avoiding her present, fractures and old arguments start to break through. 


The family dynamic is clearly set up within the first few minutes of The Greenhouse, giving us a great insight to how this family lives. With mums Lillian and Ruth at the head of the family, Beth and her other adopted siblings; Raf, Doonie and Drew seemed to have a rather harmonious life together. But outside their home there were issues faced. Things seems to have fallen apart after the death of Lillian yet Beth still can’t leave her childhood home or her mum Ruth. As the child left behind it feels as if the other siblings resent her for staying yet don’t feel guilty for going, leaving Beth stuck in limbo. The Greenhouse itself feels like a gateway, a limbo like area that joins the past and the present but it’s unclear how long this gateway has been there. There is a possibility it was created after Lillian’s death as Ruth is fully aware of its power yet didn’t share the discovery with Beth. Once the other siblings enter the greenhouse, they too see visions of the past, which Beth tries to prevent, not wanting them to see certain moments. This only ramps up the tension between the siblings. Not respecting how their sister grieves is one aspect of the story but this angst that has built up comes to a head, giving them all space to say exactly how they feel.


Another part of the story is how Beth and her best friend Lauren fall in love as teenagers but as young adults Beth is unwilling to go any further. She is unable to leave town with Lauren, therefore prolonging her own happiness and denying her own feelings for the sake of her two mums. This sacrifice is used against her by her angrier siblings to call her out for not being her true self, causing even more pain for Beth. The love story element does muddy the main story about the family slightly but it is necessary so we can see Beth as more than just the one who stayed behind.


Blending family grief with a science fiction twist in the form of time travel makes for a sombre watch at times, given the subject matter, but it is beautifully shot and the family members are well rounded characters are believable that they are an actual family.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Jump, Darling - BFI Flare

Fledgling drag queen Russell packs up his bags and leaves the city after a breakup. He ends up staying with his grandma out in the sticks under the pretence that he’s just collecting the car. Instead, a few days turns into a longer stay when he finds a gay bar in town, he meets someone new and believes he can take care of his grandma. But when realisations come to light, Russell has to decide what he really wants to do with his life.


There are different layers to this story, Russell and his Fishy persona are just one. On the surface it’s about an actor struggling to find an identity and cautiously embracing drag as a way to express himself. Then there’s Margaret, who faces being placed in an assisted living home and losing grip on her own life. There are also the flashbacks to how Margaret’s husband killed himself and the hint that Russell could end up on the same path. These parallel stories from the past and the present collide through half hazy dreams while Russell indulges in drink and drugs and then towards the end when Margaret goes through photographs of her younger self when she used to skate. Holding on to something creative is key here and whether someone is strong enough to keep going. 


One of the main aspects of the film is how artists are seen and how they view themselves. As Russell is an actor but can’t seem to find work, his boyfriend ends their long-term relationship because he doesn’t take Russell’s drag act as serious work. It doesn’t help that Russell is still finding his way and downplays his drag act as a ‘just a hobby’. His grandfather was also an artist or rather, he saw himself as an artist, according to Margaret, but couldn’t take the pressure and just drank. Margaret herself was an ice skater, she was so good that she could have taken her talent further but she didn’t, excusing her stopping for the war going on at the time. It seems that art and creativity flow in the family but doesn’t have positive outcomes. Russell is the one who has to break the chain and continue performing.

Jump, Darling is being streamed as part of BFI Flare from 17th March

Monday 15 March 2021

The Kid Detective


When Abe Applebaum was 12 years old he was the Kid Detective, everyone knew him. He solved all sorts of cases and was beloved by the town until his friend (and secretary) went missing. 20 years later, Abe is still a detective but now spends his days finding peoples’ cats, finding out whether someone is gay or not so the client can ask them out. Washed up, fed up, the town no longer thinks he’s the genius he used think he was. But when a girl asks him to solve her boyfriend’s murder, he’s thrown right back in the deep end and the past begins to catch up to him. 



Full review over at Filmhounds HERE.

Thursday 11 March 2021

The Craft Legacy


Spending too much time trying to tick all the progressive boxes, The Craft Legacy woefully misses the mark in what a sequel needs to follow a cult classic. This is such a shame as the first half had potential and lost its way completely by the end. 


Full review over at Filmhounds HERE.

Friday 5 March 2021



After self-help book author May and her husband Ted are attacked at night by a mysterious man in a mask, she is left in shock by the attack but Ted just shrugs the incident off mentioning it happens every night. But when the masked man returns, even after May has killed him multiple times, she tries to figure out why this keeps happening. Things take another turn when Ted goes missing and other women in her life share the same scares as her.

Full review is over at Filmhounds HERE

Thursday 4 March 2021

Revisiting Girls in Love


As it's World Book Day, I wanted to revisit a series of books that I used to love when I was in school by everyone’s favourite author when they were 10 years old, Jacqueline Wilson. I was quite a prolific reader when I was a child, I could get through books very quick, as well as the audiobook right after. Some of my favourite presents when I was really young was getting those combo packs with the book and cassette tape. I collected and read as many of Wilson’s books as I could, even had a few in hardback, which annoyed me as they were heavy to carry around in my drawstring bag. Why have hardback children’s book anyway? As well as the books, I also had some on-cassette tape but in the years since I stopped reading Wilson’s books, probably age 14, the collection has depleted. I wish I had kept all the tapes and not got rid of them, a rare commodity now. But I was feeling nostalgic after another old tape played its last and I had an urge to revisit Wilson’s books. 


About 5 years ago there was an exhibition of her work at the Childhood museum, which brought back all the memories and actually spurred me on to keep the remaining books I had held on to. I was particularly wanting to read the Girls series; Girls in Love, Girls Under Pressure, Girls Out Late and Girls in Tears. I actually didn’t own the first three, they belonged to my sister and I had the last one in hardback but its stuck in a box at my parents. So, I did what anyone else would do, I bought Girls in Tears on cassette tape and spent a week listening to it each night. Listening to it with older ears, I can see/hear why it appealed to me when I was a pre-teen/teenager and also how problematic a lot of the characters are. BUT I still enjoyed it.



After the book on tape finished, I went on a deep dive into Wilson’s latest books just to see what had happened since I was 14. I also looked into adaptations of her books and how most had been for TV for movies for TV which is shame as I think some of her stories would be great with a bigger budget.


Girls inLove was made into a TV show in 2003 and a second series in 2005 and when it first aired, I was very excited as I loved the characters and though that the series would definitely work in TV format. However, it wasn’t what I’d hoped as so much of the story and characters were changed. There so much criticism from fans at the time, but mostly about the main characters appearance as they were VERY different from the book. I totally understand casting to be inclusive, no problem there as long as the essence of the character remains, so I had no problem with Zaraah Abrahams as Magda, she was the best out the main characters. But Nadine wasn’t a goth and Ellie was NOTHING like the original character. As you can see from the pictures, straight hair, tall, slim and no glasses. Ellie is a short, chubby, curly wild hair and although she is clumsy and sweet, she can be quite mean. This is not the Ellie I remember. I think the show got away with it claiming it’s an interpretation of the book but that s**t would not fly now. Also, all three did not look in the slightest 14 years old. They were at least in their 20s. But the show still maintained they were all in Year 9.


That’s another main issue I had, apart from awful casting, as this also filtered through the guys in the show, but it was the fact that not once did they wear school uniforms despite being in school in the UK. This also didn’t help with convincing the audience the girls were 14 years old. The clothes the girls wore too were all out of whack. Always colour coordinated, Ellie in red, Magda in yellow and Nadine in purple, even though the latter was mean to be a goth yet she never wore goth like clothes. Overall, it was severely irritating.


The first series cover the first book and some of the third book, skipping Girls Under Pressure because no one was a teenager girl worrying about their weight. Go figure. The second series touched upon a couple of things in book four then just went its own dull way. I actually stopped watching the show after the first couple episodes in series 2 as I had just had enough. I’m surprised the show even reached past series 1! Never the less, the show was released on DVD which I’m sure you can purchase somewhere or you can watch it in terrible quality on Youtube if you want to relive this terrible experience or wonder what I’m moaning about.


Book adaptation can be good but when they are bad, they are the complete worst thing imaginable especially if you really love the source material. I’d say, read the books, they are far better but I know they won’t be everyone’s next read.


I really hope that the series is revisited and maybe handled in a better way as with right casting and correct setting, you might have a hit. But I also fear that the time of Ellie, Magda and Nadine had passed. Unless Wilson wants to revisit the girls and bring them back to life?






Wednesday 3 March 2021

Sell! Sell! Sell!


While we're all-in lockdown, some of us furloughed and with little to do that consume copious amounts of film and TV (nothing wrong with that) there seems to be a trend going round and this is completely understandable, but we've either got rid of a lot of things or bought a whole load more of new things. Of course, I'm specifically talking about film/TV collections.

Many of us are spring cleaning and we have been since last year, wanting to get rid of the clutter around the home that we've had to stare at for months on end. Charity shops have been inundated with donations even though they've been saying 'please stop' as they cannot go through the mountains of things left outside in the British weather. So, there must be other creative ways for us to get rid of things. Although I should add, if you're happy to donate to charity and wait until these shops are open again, that's more than fair enough. Personally, I do donate but right now, I just want to clear out. 

I've noticed an increase in adverts appearing on my screens for MusicMagpie and that damned Vinted app that I know will be of no use to me. Saying it’s the best place to make a few quid is actually accurate, you can literally make about £2 for a box full of stuff. For the other car boot sale type apps, I've tried over the years, none have been good experiences. With people haggling for ridiculous prices, some being outright rude and others wanting a refund 6 months after buying the thing from me. I've learnt over the years that Gumtree is great for furniture, Depop was good for shoes and random t-shirts, eBay worked for Tarot decks and Amazon was ok for DVDs, Blu rays and books, over time and for clothes, I should either throw them in the bin or give them to charity.

For those who are keen to get rid of their unwanted books, DVDs, Blu rays any CDs lurking around, charity shops are the best place, when they are open of course. It’s less hassle and you can literally say goodbye to everything in one go. I did look around for charities looking for entertainment such as hospitals, but understandably, they only wanted uplifting films which I wasn’t really getting rid of. Same for sending to the soldiers. Most of the places I did find wanting donations for the latter were all in the US so that wasn’t practical. If you know of any charities accepting donations via post (when volunteers can resume) do let me know. With car boots being a thing of the recent past, who knows they may spring up again in June, but for now, car boot type apps might be something you find works for you. Personally, books, DVDs, Blu rays, CDs, don’t sell at all on these apps.

If like me, you’re happy to make a little bit of money, if any, I would say you might have to surrender to MusicMagpie or CEX. Both have easy enough ways to send the items off BUT bear in mind that both places have changed their minds about orders and I’ve received less money than agreed. CEX is the worst for this as the difference was quite a bit so I’ve never sold things to them again. In store is longer but you can trust how much you get. MusicMagpie is only slightly better. They offer less than 10% of what they resell for which is pretty damn bad but every now and then, there’s an item that’s worth much more than the rest so makes up for it. They say they offer a courier BUT again, don’t trust this. Just box up the goods yourself and take it to the local parcel shop.

For books, I’ve recently discovered Ziffit and sent off a box. Better prices than MusicMagpie but like them, they don’t take everything.

If you’re playing the long game, Amazon, even with its fees, is probably the best bet. Over the years, I’ve sold bits here and there, sometimes for a hell of a lot more than I expected. If you’re happy and willing to put up with listings for a long time and don’t mind making random trips to the post office, this is the way to go. Plus, Amazon only charges a fee WHEN you’ve sold something and its automatically sorted out. The cheaper items might mean you don’t make much but if you have an assortment of things varying in prices it works out.

Finally, there’s eBay. I would suggest eBay if you have rare or unusual items or films from outside your country’s region. These again, might take a while to sell but you get more money than on Amazon, at least that’s what I’ve found. Books do not tend to sell on eBay unless they are rare, of a certain genre and they are dirt cheap, keep that in mind.

So, in summary:

Books – Ziffit app

Rare/Special Edition DVD/Blu ray – eBay

DVD/Blu ray/Books – Amazon, for the long game

CD/DVD/Blu ray/Books – MusicMagpie IF you just want to get rid of things and make a little bit of money

If you can recommend of anywhere else to sell things or where you’ve had success, please do let me know.

Happy selling and spring cleaning everyone!




Tuesday 2 March 2021

They Came From Beyond Space

When a strange formation of meteors crash land on a farm in Cornwall, top scientists form a team to investigate. Dr Curtis Temple, highly regarded in his field of expertise, exterritorial life, is unable to join the team as he is still recovering an accident that left him with a silver plate in his head. At the meteor site the team of scientists have their bodies and minds taken over by aliens through strange lights and sounds. As the aliens begin to take over the people in the local area as well as infect several other with a mysterious red plague, Temple discovers the meteors came from the Moon. He attempts to try and find out what exactly is going on and what the aliens want with Earth.

All I can say is, thank god for Arnold Gray.


Full review over at Filmhounds HERE.


Monday 1 March 2021

Dreams on Fire - Glasgow Film Festival

Dance films can take on all forms and disciplines and combining the talent of one of Japan’s most famous dancers right now, Bambi Naka, and the feature-length directorial debut from Canadian Philippe McKie, there is the worry that the story could be lost in translation but Dreams on Fire is a vibrant and uplifting story about refusing to give on a dream.

Full review is over at Filmhounds HERE.