
Sunday 28 September 2014

The Afternoon Movie: The Phantom Tollbooth

I think it's time to go back to the 70's and experience the weird and wonderful world of number, letters, time and learning lessons while having fun of, The Phantom Tollbooth.

I don't actually remember the first time I saw this action into animation film. I don't even recall if we taped it and I re-watched it all over again and again or it was TV quite frequently. I know in Uni, someone mentioned something about time and started sing the song from the film, then I found it all on Youtube and sat there and watched the whole thing.

The strange but brilliant film came to my mind again, this time because something at work made me think of 'The Demons of Ignorance'.

The 1970's live action and animated American film, adapted from the novel of the same name by Norton Juster, starred Butch Patrick of The Munsters fame.

The film begins with our hero, Milo, returning from school bored of learning and bored of everything else and as he speaks to his equally bored friend on the phone, queue a giant mysterious box landing in his living room. This is THE tollbooth.

After a brief introduction and very little information, Milo is instructed to pick a destination and be on his merry way. For the purpose of this journey he becomes an animated version of himself and brilliant. Anyone watching it for the first would think the artwork looks tired and dated and in fact the animation studio that made the film closed down immediately after the release of the film. The film was a success so the closure had nothing to do with the film.

Milo drives his little red sports car along the crazy roads, passing through towns and cities such as, Expectations, Dictionopolis and Digitopolis. Every destinaton and character Milo encounters seems to either give friendly advice, hidden with life or academic help or deter him from his path. Mostly the former.

This is essentially a road movie to teach children that they can learn in a fun way and the more knowledge you have the more confident (and happy) you'll be. The other lesson is instead of being bored, come up with a plan or idea and have an adventure, but that really is sugar coating it.

As well as interesting characters, such as Tock, the watch dog who saves Milo near the start from The Doldrums, a place where you end up if you stop thinking, is dog with a giant alarm clock in his belly. He teaches Milo not to waste time, as time is a gift. This the point I should mention that there a few songs in the film but they are brilliant and I think the animation is great, there is even a reference to Dali's melting clocks.

The plot of the story comes to shape when Milo meets the two kings. On his way through their kingdoms hes noticed that everything is confusing and makes little sense. The reason for this is that King Azaz and his brother the Mathmagician argued over what was more important, words or numbers. They asked their younger sisters, the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason and they said they were equally as important as each other. The Kings did not like this answer so banished them to, The Castle in the Air. Milo convinces them both that he needs to bring the Princesses back. The road trip then turns into a rescue mission with some learning along the way. Milo has to get through 'The Mountains of Ignorance' which are inhabited by the demons of ignorance. Milo literally has to fight his demons to get to the castle.

The films boasts a large host of smaller moments too, such as the the conductor of the skies, Croma the Great who actually conducts the morning and evening skies. Another small moment is in the Words Market, there is stall called 'Half Baked' ideas which I thought was a nice touch.

Unfortunately this film was never released on DVD in the UK but it can be enjoyed in US and on youtube for all to see.

I think my next step is to read the book as its such a brilliant story. The author was influenced by Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and none other than the Marx Brothers. Watching the film, you can definitely both influences.

Next time you're bored and think you have nothing to do, don't lounge on the sofa, unless you want the tollbooth to land.

Saturday 20 September 2014

It's An Honour To Be Nominated

 Last month my sister nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thank you Halfway Here and sorry for  the delay.

 The rules are:
-First, I must answer 11 questions that have been set by my the person/blog that nominated me
-Secondly, I have to share 11 facts about myself
-Finally I have to make up 11 questions for those I nominate

11 Questions from Halfway Here

1. If you could be any animal what would you be and why? 
I would be a fox but one that roams the countryside. They are sly, swift and survivors. Plus they are high on the food chain, only humans after foxes.

2. Money is no object, where's the next place you'd like to travel to? New Zealand, hands down. 

3. What's your favourite breakfast food? 
Boring but its cereal or if I'm feeling adventurous, pancakes.

4. Best fancy dress costume you've ever made/wore? - My made a half and half costume at Uni for halloween. It was better known as Boris and Barbara though.

5. What's your favourite thing about where you live/your home town? It has a Costa now? It's small and practically no one has ever heard about it. 

6. A song that'll always get you on the dance floor? Recently its 90s tunes, Steal My Sunshine by Len.

7. What did you want to grow up to be when you were little? An actress. Held onto that dream for a while. But films were always there.

8. Do you have a favourite quote or motto? From Romeo and Juliet - 'These violent delights have violent ends'

9. If you had to cook a three course meal ('Come Dine with Me' style-y) what would you make? Starter would be a soup, butternut squash with salsa. Main meal would be something dull like, twist pasta bake with root vegetables (I don't cook savoury things). Desert would either be gluten free pumpkin pie or my sweet potato cake with cream cheese frosting.

10. What are you most looking forward to right at this moment? BFI Film Festival - going to 5 screenings so far.

11. Lastly, but not least importantly, biscuit or cake? Cake. But I like to bake both.

11 Facts about Me

1. I love Tina Fey but I still haven't read her autobiography, it's been on my read list for months. I still love her.
2. I love a good murder mystery so it only makes sense that I have the entire Poirot and Miss Marple TV series box sets. And I'm proud of this.
3. Next year, I still aim to go travelling, in the words of Lenny Kravitz, I want to get away, I want to fly away.
4. As well as my phobias of wasps and bees, I have a phobia of spiral staircases, its called Phasmaculaphobia.   5. In college (sixth form) I used to have 4 alarms because I was so worried I wouldn't wake up for classes. They made me give a monologue about it in drama.  
6. The Great Gatsby is my favourite novel and I own 7 copies of it, each from a different publisher.
7. I own one pair of hight heels or shoes that are considered 'heels' and I've worn them once. My parents' friend's 60th birthday party.
8. I was part of my local amateur dramatics society until 2008, when I performed in the panto Aladdin where I had first actual role. I had taken part in various productions since I was 8.
9. I passed my driving test last year and have not driven a car since. But I really want to.
10. When I was bored at school, I used play back The Fellowship of the Ring in my head, I could remember everything, even music cues.
11. I wear black quite a bit in the hopes that one day someone will say 'you look like you're going to a funeral' so I can say back 'maybe I am'.

11 Questions for my Nominees

1. What was your favourite TV show when you were young?
2. If you were a comic book super villain,  what would be your name and signature weapon/crime?
3. Without taking a quiz, what is your spirit animal?
4. In the past, you must have given away your old toys, which do you regret letting go of?
5. What would your biography title be?
6. Would you rather be able to only go clothes shopping once a year or go shopping all year round but have to wear the same outfit everyday for a year?
7. Cheese or chocolate?
8. What was the first CD you bought/were given?
9. If you didn't live where you are now, where would you most like to be?
10. Use three different ice cream flavours to describe yourself.
11. If you could cheat, would you skip to the end?

I nominate:


That's All Folks

The Comings and Goings of Me (photography blog)

Film Rant

I have finally launched my youtube series, very basic I know but at least its something. The first few videos will be reviews I mentioned in my Watch List, but the second is a brand new review or verbal review, which is better.

The video is about Divergent, book and film. Enjoy and please be kind as I am only just starting this, testing the waters.

Thursday 18 September 2014

It's All About The Schedule

I have to thank my sister a thousand times for last week. I feels like it was ages ago now seeing as I am a tad late with post this week, apologies all round. Since my birthday, in fact a bit before that, I have been quite busy.

I've started German lessons as work so Tuesdays basically do not exist. I've been trying to be proactive so I've booked a refresher driving lesson for this month so I won't be yelled at by my parents. Long story there. I have been catching up on Haven so I was ready for season 5, actually so many new shows are starting plus the returning few. I have also been clearing out my room, sort of. I've tried to get rid of things but every time I look, its all papers and scrapbooks and useful bits. So, I suppose you can kind of excuse me for the lateness?

Last week, actually my birthday was week before, anyway, I asked for three things for my birthday. A milk froather, which will be purchased soon, a bottle of Kahlua and BFI membership.

With that membership I was able to get the tickets and screenings I wanted, yes, of course I am talking about the return of BFI London Film Festival. I was and still am beyond excited about this event. Roughly 2 weeks of films all around London. I have been to the festival every year since 2006 when I went to see Steve Buscemi give a talk AND walked on the red carpet for the first time to see his new film, The Interview, at the time. I love the festival and scream with excitement every year when the catalogue comes out.

I have to admit, last year was amazing, I think I saw 6 films and I reported on all but one I think. I had an amazing time. This year I was unable to go wait in line for the tickets as I was at work and booked the wrong day off. My lovely sister, who I thanked at the start, went in my stead. I'm sure she didn't appreciate me sending texts saying 'I wish I was there' as the reply was usually 'I wish you were too' as in, 'I wish I never had to do this'.  But good news, I paid for a ticket to go with me to a screening as a thank you. I have 5 films booked and I am bursting at the seams I am that excited to go.

I made a schedule, like I do every year. This was to help my sister and because it looks great. Apprently, other people in the queue have their own type of schedule.

If you live in London and don't work insane hours and if you can, book a ticket to something, you'll enjoy it. BFI

Monday 8 September 2014

One Year Older

Every year I have the same reactions to my birthday. I get excited that its my birthday and want to plan a big night out or something to mark the day, then I panic and whine that I don't want to get older. I've been reacting this way since I was 20.

We've all had bad birthdays but I think my 21st was just the worst, which is most probably why I panic after getting excited. For my 22nd I just wanted comb over it so my sister and I travelled to Berlin on my actual birthday. My last two birthdays have been great, had so much fun with everyone. This year was more of the same, drinks and dancing. There was a spot of bother with the place I reserved, a bar I hadn't been to before but they managed to not book a table and lie about the music, but after than the night got better.

My original plan was going to be something bigger and more significant. I had wanted to hire a bouncy castle and have a party at my home but because I am without funds to live on my own, I was told by my parents this bouncy castle and party would not be happening. I thought that this would a symbol for me not wanting to get older and that we're still children at heart blah blah blah and I really wanted a bouncy castle. Maybe next year.

After recovering from the night before I woke up, on my actual birthday, hungover. I felt that nothing had changed, in a good and bad way. I had my fun but I was now in danger of sleeping the whole day away then I fell asleep again. The day was chilled out and it was great there was no pressure to do anything at all. I ate with my family like it was a normal day and I proceeded to take several naps and watch Tintin. My heart did sink a little bit. I had hoped that maybe there was a small cake for me and I could blow candles but there wasn't. We used one of the cake biscuits, something I made the day before and stuck a candle in it. When I was younger and in fact many year after that, my mum would play Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday song to wake me up. She did this for everyone's birthdays. I was usually getting ready for school and I'd open my cards and presents in my room. My parents used to leave them in my room the nigh before for me. But last couple of years thats changed.

Just like Christmas, when you're forced to grow up and let go of things you used to enjoy, its happened with my birthday. I hoped to hang on to the childish things just that little bit longer but nope, at 25, you can't expect this.

Next year if I still haven't got my bouncy castle, I think I'll go away again, I've escaped it once, I can do again and I just know I'll be a mess at 26, oh gad I don't want to be old. Note; I'm smiling while writing this last bit.